Category Archives: wildlife

July: the good, the bad and the strange.

As always we must start by mentioning the weather.  We started with the sunshine and warmth, then the torrential rain and thunder, and now back to sunshine and warmth.  These photographs were taken before the rain except the philadlephus, it was looking fabulous, as were the roses, until the rain pelted down taking most of the petals with it.  Some of the roses were just a soggy mess and had to chopped as they would have just rotted instead of opening.  Some of the old trellis was still up, but Harry has taken it all down now and it make s a big difference.  The neighbours’ and golf course’ trees all blend into our ivy clad walls now.

By the pond I spotted a couple of damselflies and the blue tailed one came into the conservatory.  I am afraid the photos are not great (taken at speed with my phone camera).

blue tailed damselfly on the conservatory wall
Ischnura elegans (blue tailed damselfly)

The large red damselfly was just flitting about on the leaves of the marsh marigold.

large red damselfly sitting on a marsh marigold leaf
Pyrrhosoma nymphula (large red damselfly)

The surface of the pond is mostly covered with floating duckweed and pond pants but I try to keep an area clear so the sun can get through to the oxygenating plants below.  The area covered by floating plants has also been covered by hundreds of semaphore flies.  The males flash their wings, which have a white tips, to entice a female and this resembles semaphore signals.  They have gorgeous bronze and mellatic green colourations.

semaphore fly on garden pond
Poecilobothrus nobiltatus (semaphore fly)

Also in the pond are some very fast water crickets.  I think these are the nymphs as the adults have red line down the abdomen.  They have white markings that to me look like a face.  They flit about on the water surface of the pond.

water cricket nymph skitting about the surface of the pond
Velia caprai (water cricket)

A new fungus has appeared this year.  At first I though it was another puff ball or earth ball but as it grew – it changed shape.  I think this is a stinkhorn.  The cap is covered in something called a gleba which contains the spores.  It emits a smell that attracts flies which then get covered in the spores.It disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

stinkhorn mushroom, fungi,
Phallus impudicus (stinkhorn mushroom)

Now just a few snapshots of the garden before the rain just taken at different angles.

foxgloves by the curling stone
beds in July 2021
beds in July 2021
beds in July 2021
beds in July 2021

The yellow irises did well out in the front garden.  I don’t actually know the name of them, mum was splitting hers so she gave me some.

tall yellow iris in the front garden
Yellow iris front garden

And after the rain I am afraid the nepeta was flattened, the roses all drooped and lost a lot of petals, lots of the foxgloves keeled over with the weight of the rain, and the poor philadelphus that was just looking and smelling gorgeous lost lots of petals too.

philadelphus loosing it's petals after the rain
Philadelphus losing it’s petals after the rain

Once the rest of the foxgloves go over I will have some bare areas to put some new plants in.  They are waiting in their pots on the patio until then.

Our dog had his first dip in the pond this week (by accident) and he didn’t think much of it, so he then had a zoomie around the garden then dug 3 holes!  Also, a neighbours cat fell into the pond this morning.  I was watering the plants on the patio when I hear a big plop and splash.  I looked up and saw  a very wet, bedraggled, black and white cat slinking off down the garden.

The forecast for the next few days is lots of sunshine a high temperatures so that will mean I have lots more watering to do.

Foxes In February

Yet again I have been very lazy about winter gardening.  I keep the birds fed and watered, and check on the patio plants, but tend to leave everything else just to get on with things.

It is nice to keep seeing our foxy visitors through the window.  Harry took a short video this morning and I have a couple of snapshots from it.  These foxes were living in the vacant house next door, and passers by even saw them looking out the front window.  The authorities were informed and the foxes can just have to make do with the gardens now.  These 3 Foxes In February look very relaxed in the garden.  I haven’t seen any pheasants this year and it is probably down to this lot prowling about looking for some dinner.

fox on the patio
3 foxes in the garden

It has been snowing on and off over the last few days and has been very cold.  It got down to about -22 C in Braemar last night.  Only a balmy -7C in Edinburgh!  As Harry is working from home during this covid lockdown, he can easily help keep the pond from fully freezing, and  I don’t have to muck about clearing snow from the patio in order to feed and water the birds.  There isn’t as much snow this year as there was in the winter of 2010/11 and it should thaw fairly quickly.  I get cold very easily and am so looking forward to some warmer, dryer weather to have a potter round the garden and seeing how all the bulbs are doing.   The ground hasn’t been dry for months – if it hasn’t been raining – it has been drizzling and I can bet that some weeds have been thriving despite freezing temperatures and wet.

Feb 2021 snow in the garden from the upstairs window

Foxes in autumn.

There are lovely autumn colours out now but I haven’t really been in the garden much over October.  Harry and I have both had a bit of ill health (no not covid) so I really couldn’t be bothered doing much.  I did pot up a few pots with narcissi, tulips, and bluebells but not much else.  The bay that was on the patio  was brought into the conservatory for the winter, I did my best at keeping the rain off the irises but the leaves look awful just now.  That huge aster will have to be dug up as it is now huge and I just can’t get past it (although it has loads of flowers on it at the moment).  Once Harry is feeling a bit better I will ask him to plant the new cornus in that clay area just in front of the patio.  The plants are rather small so will look tiny there so I may put other pots around them to cover the bare soil or maybe bark chips.  That is the area that the pigeons have made a path to get to the seeds that fall out of the bird feeder so I will need to protect the new plants while they are still young.

Harry did manage to take a few photos through the back window of our little visitors.  They have found a mouse and are hunting in between the pots for it until they get a scent of something else I think.  I frequently find pots knocked over on the patio.  The squirrels have been digging in any bare soil in the pots burying nuts and looking for other nuts so I used to always blame them for knocking them over.

fox on the patio
fox on the patio
fox on the patio

As usual, the louts setting off fireworks have been out and about already!!  We had to call the fire brigade and police out the other evening when these youths rather stupidly decided to build a bonfire just beyond our back garden in the golf course, and then threw fireworks into it!  The fireworks near us have been so loud that our dog is terrified to go outside now.  They are being set off at all times of day and night so you can never tell when it will be a good time to take him out.  Oh how I wish there was a total ban on fireworks.  Trouble is that somehow folk would end up making their own home-made fireworks which would be far more dangerous in the long run.  Ok rant over.

Parakeet visitor.

So Christmas is over, I do hope you all had a happy festive time.  A few good days with unusually mild weather has certainly brought the squirrels out to play.  They are digging in ever plant pot, and pulling out the cyclamen and other small bulbs, and generally being a bit of a pest.  Harry put chicken wire over some pots to protect them from little paws, but it can’t really be done over some other pots.  It doesn’t look very attractive but it does work.
We did get a rather noisy, colourful visitor over the last few days – a green parakeet!  I don’t know if he/she is an escapee from somewhere near, or if it is one of those that have now found a home in Edinburgh.  Apparently they originated from the foothills of the Himalayas so they have acclimatised well to living in the UK. So far, I have seen him eating the last few berries of the Rowan tree, and either the buds or flowers (or both) of the Viburnum.  He has been getting mobbed by the crows, jackdaws and magpies but he doesn’t seem overly bothered by them.  I did read somewhere that in areas where there are flocks of these noisy parakeets, the chattering and vocabulary amongst the other bird species increases.  We shall see (or hear).  As much as it is nice to see him, I don’t fancy have a flock of them around, making a racket and eating everything in sight.

wildlife, birds, parakeet,
Green parakeet eating Rowan berries
wildlife, birds, parakeet,
Green parakeet eating Viburnum buds or flowers (or both)

It’s raining again…

so I have been indoors pottering about in the conservatory and tending to my house plants rather than braving the cold and very soggy garden.  I managed to over-water one of my peace lilies so I separated the plants, dried them off, and have replanted so hopefully I have saved at least one of them. I have cut back the straggly looking mint, and have taken the yellowing leaves from the parsley plants.   The greenfly are still around so I check my plants almost daily to make sure I keep on top of any potential infestation.  Now I don’t normally move my cactus plants (for fear of dropping them on my lap!) but I wanted to make sure I hadn’t over-watered them too. I am glad I did as nestled at the base of one, was a clump of slug eggs. I have been trying to take better, or at least  more interesting photographs lately, and am using an app (AYWMC) to help me with this.  The exercise this week is to use an editing program and play about with the different editing tools so I used the slug eggs for my exercise. It was fun but I may have overdone the editing.  They were in a string but by the time I had faffed around with placing them at different angles and with different lighting and backing, some of the strings broke.  I found a separate egg that had an embryo showing through the transparent casing.

wildlife, slugs,
a string of slug eggs
wildlife, slugs,
slug egg with embryo

A few days without rain… yeah!

We had a lovely day day of sunshine yesterday and today is warm and sunny too.  Sadly that won’t last but at least it has been nice weather to do some gardening in.  I have been ripping out a few old rather scraggy looking ferns that were just filling some space until I got some new plants.  So some lovely new ferns have now been planted out, some of them have coppery tones, some are small spreading ones, one is silvery coloured and one is for a hole in the wall.  Can’t wait to see how they come on next year.  I really wanted to tackle the viburnum bodnantense dawn as some of the older stem/trunks are very gnarled and really aught to come out but I will have to be patient and do that late winter/early summer after it has had it’s main flowering season.
I finally managed to get a quick snap on my phone camera of the Speckled wood butterfly.  Wow are they flighty!  I have spotted quite a few speckled woods this year  and as far as I know they have green caterpillars.  I also spotted a  Grey dagger moth caterpillar (just molting it’s skin I think).  It brings back childhood memories of when I used to sit beneath our very small tree in our back garden, with my collection of these these bright caterpillar on my face! I know it was a strange thing to do, but at least I put them all back where I found them.

Pararge aegeria (speckled wood butterfly)
Acronicta psi (Grey dagger moth) caterpillar

July, in between ninja showers…

it is muggy, sunny, and hot.  Lots of my plants have some kind of rust or mould on them..  The meadow sweet, verbena bonariensis and a few others have powdery mildew.  Some of the roses have rust and black-spot.  Some huecheras have rust.  I have sprayed the roses again, and have just given them their final feed so I hope they will pick up a bit.  I have taken off most of the rusty leaves form plants, but the powdery mildew can be quite stubborn  I am having the constant battle with the humongous slugs and have resorted to using some ‘Sluggo’ near my new delphiniums as I am sick of my new plants disappearing overnight.
Normally at this time of year I see loads of bees covering the purple lavender, veronica and agastache out in the front garden but this year there are only a few about.  The agastache to the left of the mahonia is devoid of all leaves courtesy of slugs and snails, while the ones at the right side are fine. The purple loose-strife, persicaria, hedge woundwort, verbascums, geraniums, delphiniums, cat-mint and a foxgloves are still attracting bees and other pollinators.
I finally moved the old bird-bath plinth from the patio as it was falling apart and found it had been a good home for the green cellar slugs (which are good guys) so I let them find a new home behind the patio plant pots.  I found a cricket on the garage wall (horrid photo taken with my phone) which was nice.  We used to hear crickets when we first moved here, but haven’t seen or heard any for years now so maybe they have come back this year? All over the garden are lots of tree seeds: mainly sycamore keys and tiny silver birch seeds.  They really make the place look untidy but I have finished dead-heading and weeding for today and I am off out to enjoy the sunshine before the next lot of torrential rain due tonight (along with thunder and hail so they say).

plants, flowers,
plants, flowers,
Veronica spicata ‘Royal candles’
plants, flowers,
Persicaria affinis superbum
plants, berries,
Sorbus  hupehensis Pink pagoda berries
plants, flowers,
Delphinium cameliard
plants, flowers,
Verbascum chaxii album
Old bird-bath plinth
wildlife, slugs,
Green cellar slugs (Limacus maulatus)
wildlife, snail,
Grove snail or brown lipped snail (Cepaea nemoralis)
plants, seeds,
Sycamore keys (samara)

New plants…

for the widened border.  I have been shopping at MacPlants again to fill in some gaps in the border. For a nice soft purple and yellow combination there is Nepets junior Walker and Coreopsis verticillata ‘Moonbeam’.  Along side some Cosmos Xanthos (which I had in pots on the patio).  A couple of Leptinella squalida ‘Platt’s Black’ for a couple of corner areas.  I had planted some Ammi visnagi but the massive slugs got them (one seedling survives).  These massive slugs are such a pain and even all the wool pellets I put down are no deterrent what so ever.  These slugs have destroyed half a dozen honesty, all my blue poppies, primula vialii, the ammi, knapweed and loads more besides.  I do a slug patrol every morning and pick loads.  They curl up into a ball to prevent being eaten, and I have found some almost the same size as a golf ball!
The milk churn was moved to a corner in the bed to make a focal point and I didn’t have a pot the correct size but ended up putting a bronze grass on a plastic saucer inside the churn, which is held up by a wooded support underneath.  It looks great just now.
We moved the bench that was sitting under the tree canopy (overhanging from the golf course), which was collecting loads of bird droppings so was rather dangerous for anyone sitting there.  It is still in the stumpery area but under clear skies so much nicer for resting on.
There is still more planting to be done, and moving plants about – which probably shouldn’t really be done just now but some are now in the wrong place.  They used to edge the border but now that the  borders are wider they need to be moved to the new edge.

plants, flowers,
Coreopsis verticillata ‘Moonbeam’,  Nepeta Junior Walker
plants, flowers,
Cosmos bipinnatus Xanthos
slugs, wildlife,
huge slug curled into a ball
slugs, wildlife,
huge slugs
slugs, wildlife,
slug on the wool pellets
Carex commons bronze in milk churn
Carex commons bronze (diff view)
bench in the stumpery

Sunshine and slabs… Yay!

There is a bit of warm sunshine about with a few showers.  The slabbing is now under way so I cannot get access to the garden for the time being.  All very frustrating as I was ill last week and had neither the time nor the energy to get on top of the weeding and dead-heading before the landscapers started.  I am itching to get back out there as some of the plants in need of a bit of TLC. I haven’t been able to do my slug patrols either, but, maybe all the upheaval has meant they are less active.  I can but hope.  I will have to just potter about on the patio for the time being, which means a lot of scraping between the slabs to get the weeds out, and scrubbing the wall near the bird feeder (mostly pigeon poo).  There are plenty of butterflies about now and I did get a nice photo of a Red admiral but just missed my chance to get a snap of a Speckled wood.  Too slow getting my camera out.

wildlife, butterfly,
Vanessa atalanta (Red admiral)

Finally a little bit of sunshine…

in amongst the rain showers. The lawn is like a huge sponge, full of water, and every time my wheels go over it, it gets churned up so is like a quagmire now.  The sooner I get more paving the better. When the sun does come out, it brings the bees out with it.  They are everywhere.  Here is a list of plants in flower now that they visit: deutzia, heuchera, syringia, foxgloves, aquilegia, centaura, rhododendron, geraniums, daisies, thyme, hebe, saxifrages, cirsium, erigeron, geum, clematis and philadelphus.  The garden is literally humming with them.  I have been playing with my macro lens again trying to learn how to use my mirrorless camera.
Cactus buds
Aquilegia seed head
Honesty seed head
Sepervivum arachnoideum
plants, flowers, bee, wildlife,
Bee on deutzia
plats, flowers, bee, wildlife,
2 bees on Centaura
plants, flowers, bee, wildlife,
2 bees on Cirsium