so the garden is starting to get some lush green (and bronze/purple) foliage to cover up the bare soil. More spring plants are blooming while some of the early ones are over already. The corydalis, erythroniums, and some primroses are over but still have their leaves. The tulips, epimediums, brunnera, myosotis, pulmonaria, dicenrta, vinca, fritilari, oxalis, erica, viola, some narcissus are in flower. The anemone blanda white put on a great show last year but was a bit lacking in flower this year. The lilac drumstick primula and primula veris are still flowering but the primula vulgaris has stopped flowering. The hellibores are still flowering away. The vinca makes great ground cover and I have the major and minor ones (violet, deep purple and white varieties). The dicentra gives great cover under the rhododendron. I had been waiting for my epimedium grandiflorum Rose Queen to flower so I could get a good picture of it along side the tulips Mystic Van Eijk but it is flowering quite late this year. I do have blossom on the viburnum (bodnantense dawn) but it had quite a severe prune last year I will need to wait till next year for a better show. Same goes for the Osmanthus burkwoodii.
Tulips Budlight and some larger tulips (unkown) |
Tulips Mystic Van Eijk |
Epimedium grandifolium Rose Queen |
Epimedium grandifolium Rose Queen |
Brunnera macrophylla |
Oxalis acetosella (woodsorrel) |
Pulmonaria Lewis Palmer |