Late September and the beginning of October signifies the start of the autumnal, foliage colour changes that I adore. The weather is chilly and damp with a few sporadic sunny spells. This is when some of the greens of summer change into gorgeous russets, bright reds and oranges, deep purples and buttery yellows. Last month the enkianthus foliage went from green to bronzy purple, but this month they have gone bright red just before they fall.

The golden foliage of the Acer shirasawanum aureum take on red tinges especially if the leave are in the sunshine. In autumn the develop red stems and veins before they go brown and fall.

Another tree/shrub that gets red stems is the viburnum and the darkish green leaves take on a purply colour. It sporadically flowers all year round.

The fuchsia is still flowering away and there are still a few flowers appearing on the honey suckle nearby. Once the flowers go on the honeysuckle they develop bright red berries much loved by the birds. The leaves on the honeysuckle in the raised bed are still green whereas the leaves on the honeysuckle on the patio have taken on purple tones. It looks good next to the purple flowered hellebore (the only one flowering at the moment) and the bright yellowy green of the Hakonechloa macra ‘Aureola’ grass.

Soon the purple leaves on this acer will change to a bright red red colour but for now it goes well with the purple of the sempervivum ‘chocolate kiss’

On the patio, in a half barrel, is a small cherry tree, Prunus Shirota Mount Fuji that has lovely green leaves during summer until they take on a peachy yellow colouration before turning bright orange just before drop.

The witch hazel (Hamamelis inter Diane) leaves also go from green through bright yellows and oranges and the bright reds.

The persicarias are still flowering away, as are the astrantias, gaura and a few roses, even this little foxglove. It may look a bit odd but it is kind of resting on it’s shoulder.

As much as I am loving these autumnal colours I am already looking forward to the spring colours so I have been planting a few more bulbs. There will be some in the garden, some on the patio and a few in the conservatory. The recently revived indoor cyclamen have lovely fresh foliage and I expect to see flowers fairly soon.