New plants…

for the widened border.  I have been shopping at MacPlants again to fill in some gaps in the border. For a nice soft purple and yellow combination there is Nepets junior Walker and Coreopsis verticillata ‘Moonbeam’.  Along side some Cosmos Xanthos (which I had in pots on the patio).  A couple of Leptinella squalida ‘Platt’s Black’ for a couple of corner areas.  I had planted some Ammi visnagi but the massive slugs got them (one seedling survives).  These massive slugs are such a pain and even all the wool pellets I put down are no deterrent what so ever.  These slugs have destroyed half a dozen honesty, all my blue poppies, primula vialii, the ammi, knapweed and loads more besides.  I do a slug patrol every morning and pick loads.  They curl up into a ball to prevent being eaten, and I have found some almost the same size as a golf ball!
The milk churn was moved to a corner in the bed to make a focal point and I didn’t have a pot the correct size but ended up putting a bronze grass on a plastic saucer inside the churn, which is held up by a wooded support underneath.  It looks great just now.
We moved the bench that was sitting under the tree canopy (overhanging from the golf course), which was collecting loads of bird droppings so was rather dangerous for anyone sitting there.  It is still in the stumpery area but under clear skies so much nicer for resting on.
There is still more planting to be done, and moving plants about – which probably shouldn’t really be done just now but some are now in the wrong place.  They used to edge the border but now that the  borders are wider they need to be moved to the new edge.

plants, flowers,
Coreopsis verticillata ‘Moonbeam’,  Nepeta Junior Walker
plants, flowers,
Cosmos bipinnatus Xanthos
slugs, wildlife,
huge slug curled into a ball
slugs, wildlife,
huge slugs
slugs, wildlife,
slug on the wool pellets
Carex commons bronze in milk churn
Carex commons bronze (diff view)
bench in the stumpery

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